Gujarat Foils
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© 2025 by OfBuisness
Gujarat Foils Ltd is the third largest manufacturer of aluminium foils and sheets in India. The company is publicly listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange.
We thrive on challenges and take pride in our ability to exceed client expectations and our growth as a company displays this. We cover an entire range of products from thin gauge sheets and coils for closure stock used in the Brewery and Pharmaceutical Sectors to bare foils like Fin stock for heat exchanger fins, tagger and lidding foil for the Food & Beverage Sector, as well as consumer house foil.
Our current set up includes a state-of-the-art Foil Converting Plant that was was commissioned successfully during the F. Y. 2011-2012 The output from this facility produces quality products that cater to the pharmaceutical industry and within 6 months from its inception, GFL has obtained the prestigious Drug Master File No. from U.S.F.D.A. We provide converted foil (Pharma/Blister/Plain/Printed) to pharmaceutical clients from this facility.
Estabilished in 1992, we have already reached an installed capacity of 12600 TPA, and are in the advanced stages of expansion that will double this capacity.
Our vision is to further develop the already existing aluminium foils market and estabilish Gujarat Foils Ltd. as a major force in domestic markets, while expanding our reach globally.

Our mission is to add value and create wealth through ethical and innovative means. We want to improve the quality of aluminium foil products for society at large.
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